
Take it easy

It is often said that people who start  their life at new places sometimes become " gogatsubyou". This indicate people who can not live comfortable at new place and especially after the long holiday of May. I hear many people use the word " gogatsubyou", but I think it is not so serious problem to think.  However, we can not avoid this. It is natural people feel something different condition when they start new things. I think, one important thing is not to forget that it is OK to become "gogatsubyou" in spring and believe that times solve problem. When feel that this may be "gogatsubyou", try to not to think seriously, then take it easy and enjoy holiday!

Japan's population crisis

I surprised when I read that " by 2060, the government estimates , nearly half of people in Japan will be over 65." According the article, one reason of this problem is people who don't get marry. And there are both cultural and economic barriers. I' m interested in the cultural point. Article say that in Japanese tradition, marriage usually ends a woman's working career. Now I often heard the word, woman who both have children and job. However, I think it is difficult for woman to do this without other people's help. People who is near such a woman have to understand that situation. Then, we have to change the tradition even if it is not easy.


Not only Human

In this world, there are different life. I don't know whether human is intelligent or not. Because I feel that human, include me , don't make effort to use their ability even if human has intelligent brain. On the other hand, I think bee is one of intelligent life. I heard that a bee can tell where the honey is by their dance!! I surprised that bee can  communicate by dancing. When I understand that bee's ability, I felt that how intelligent are bee! Maybe there are many intelligent life in this earth. I want to be intelligent life, too. But, before that, I have to find what is my ability.


Sleepy but ...

Many people looks sleepy in ICU but I really understood that ICU is different from other college in Japan. I feel I'm very lucky person to enter the ICU from ICU high school. Then, I was surprised that there was a person who change the major  at 23 times! I think 23 times is a little over but I feel that changing is not bad things at all. Before entering ICU, I'm afraid of that I don't decide anything and  I was a little nervous.  However,  hearing this class, it is OK to change and try anythings. One of the most important things is learning for me. I decided it before entering ICU but now there is a lot of things what I'm interested  in. However, I have no time to do all things in ICU.Now, I feel happy to be a student of ICU, I'm very happy that my college life is very busy.Now, I'm very sleepy....good night.


Don't judge a book by it's cover

If one book looks difficult to read from seeing cover, it may be not so difficult to understand and it may be interesting. We should judge the contents after the reading. Not only books but also people is same. I meet many new people in April. I feel that I can't judge only looks of people, too. I can find many charming parts when I talk with. I want to talk more with my friend and teacher, then I will know some new and understand more about them!


Will It be a Perfect Day?

There may be various perfect day for each. To me, the day something is start is near the perfect day. Yesterday, My father bought me new PC, Mac! Today, I start using my new PC. I'm writing this blog from it but I haven't understood how to use really yet. To me, today is a start of my day with new PC. From today, I want to be a girl who is good at digital machine. Today is start. Will it be a perfect day?I wish so...